Food Kit · · 7 min read

Bear Canister vs. Bear Bag: Which Food Storage Method Is Best for Backpacking?

Does a bear canister or bear bag keep your food safest from bears while backpacking and camping? Weigh the pros and cons to decide which method works best for you.

Art depicting a Bear Canister vs. Bear Bag for the trail

As a foreigner in the bear country, you want to do the smart thing and make your food hard to reach for critters that frequent the area. The two most common ways to do this are bear canisters and bags on a backpacking trip or thru-hike.

Here we will take a deeper look at the pros and cons of using a bear canister vs bear bag and discuss each method to help you decide which is best for you.

What Is The Big Difference Between a Bear Canister and a Bear Bag?

black bear on green grass during daytime
Photo by Pete Nuij / Unsplash

The biggest apparent difference is going to be in the hard composite of a bear canister versus the fabric used with a bear bag.

This means that the bear canister will always be significantly heavier and require planning to carry inside or on top of a backpack.

Canisters are just placed in a location well away from the campsite where you pick it up in the morning, where a bag is hung from a tree branch a distance away.

Bears, especially black bears, are finding more and more trails as a place to get food. With bear populations on the rise in some areas, they are becoming a bigger problem.

The bear canister provides a container that is bear-proof, meaning that animals cannot access the food inside no matter how hard they try. This gives hikers and campers more peace of mind knowing their food is safe.

A nice bonus to using bear canisters is that they can double as a camp stool or chair, which is a nice bonus if you usually carry a chair.

Just recently the Appalachian Trail Association has been asking people to begin choosing to carry a canister over a bear bag to keep the trail safe for humans and wildlife.

The Dangers Bears Pose to Humans

As expected bears are a huge issue and concern for humans, especially when they associate places like the trail and shelters as food sources.

This can cause bears to become aggressive and poses a threat to humans in the area.

Bears that become accustomed to humans being around are also more likely to approach people for food, which can lead to dangerous situations for both the bear and the human involved.

Carrying a bear canister helps reduce the chances of this happening as it becomes more difficult for bears to access human food as most fail to bear hang food out of reach properly.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Bear Bags

black bear on yellow flower field during daytime
Photo by Danika Perkinson / Unsplash

Bear bags are the most common food management option on nearly all trails in the US and for good reason. Bear bags are very lightweight and easy to carry, which is why most backpackers opt for this method.

The bear bag method does take a little more time to hang properly, but with practice, it can be done in a matter of minutes as long as you can find the perfect tree.

Benefits Of Bear Bags

Bear bags have several benefits that make them a simple and efficient option for food storage. The first benefit is that they are very lightweight and easy to carry. This makes them an excellent option for backpackers looking to save weight.

Another benefit of bear bags is that they are relatively inexpensive. Bear canisters can cost upwards of $100+, while bear bags can be purchased for less than $30.

Finally, bear bags offer a high level of flexibility regarding food storage. Bear canisters must be placed a certain distance from the campsite, but bear bags can be hung from just about anywhere.

The low cost and flexibility makes bear bags a great option for those who are looking for it with their food storage.

Drawbacks of Bear Bags

Bear bags have a few key drawbacks that should be considered before making a purchase. The first drawback is that they can be difficult to hang properly. If the bag is not hung correctly, it could be close enough to the ground for a bear to reach.

Another drawback of bear bags is that they are not bear-proof. Bears have been known to tear through bear bags in order to get to the food inside.

This means that bear bags offer hikers and campers a false sense of security when it comes to keeping their food safe from bears.

How To Select a Bear Bag

Choosing one is pretty simple, you'll want to purchase one that is durable and can hold all of your food. Most vendors offer complete kits with the bag, line, and rock sack to help make a full kit without issue.

You need to ensure the bear bag you choose can hold all your food, and trash, and come with enough line to easily get over a tree limb or bear-hanging pole.

You may want to make sure the bear bag you choose is brightly colored or easy to spot in the woods.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Bear Canisters

Now that we've talked about bear bags, let's talk about bear canisters. Bear canisters are a great option for those who are looking for a little more security when it comes to storing their food.

Bear canisters are made of tough plastic and are designed to be bear-proof. This means that bears cannot get into the canister and get to the food inside.

Benefits Of Bear Canisters

There are several benefits that bear canisters offer hikers and campers. The first benefit is that bear canisters are very secure as bears almost never will be able to get into the canister and get to the food inside.

This makes bear canisters a great option for those looking for a little extra security when storing their food.

They are constantly upgrading designs and the weights have dropped as new materials and build options have been created to help maximize potential without breaking the hiker's back.

Finally, bear canisters offer a high level of flexibility regarding food storage. Bear canisters can be placed just about anywhere, which makes them a great option for those who are looking for a little more flexibility when it comes to food storage.

Drawbacks of Bear Canisters

A few drawbacks to bear canisters should be considered before making a purchase.

The first drawback is that bear canisters are very heavy. This can be a problem for backpackers who are looking to save weight.

Another drawback of bear canisters is that they are costly. Bear canisters cost upwards of $100, making them a prohibitive option for some hikers and campers.

Finally, bear canisters can be difficult to open. This can be a problem if the canister is needed in an emergency situation.

How To Select a Bear Canister

When selecting a bear canister, a few things should be considered. The first thing to consider is the size of the canister. Bear canisters come in various sizes, so it is crucial to choose one that is big enough to hold all of the food that will be stored inside.

It is also essential to consider the weight of the canister. Bear canisters are still pretty damned heavy, so choosing one that is not too heavy for you to carry is vital.

The price of the canister is also an important consideration. Bear canisters are very expensive, so it is important to choose one within the budget of the person who will be using it.

Finally, bear canisters can be difficult to open so making sure the lock can be undone with simple things like a quarter is vital to ease of use.

Deciding Between a Bear Canister and Bear Bag: Which is Right for You?

black bear standing on river during daytime
Photo by Sergey Pesterev / Unsplash

The decision of whether to carry a bear canister or a bear bag ultimately comes down to personal preference. Both options have their own set of pros and cons that should be considered before making a purchase.

Bear canisters are becoming more popular as they offer hikers and campers a bear-proof food storage option. Bear bags are still the most common food storage method, but bear canisters are slowly gaining in popularity.

So, which is the right choice for you? It really depends on your personal preferences. A bear bag may be the better option if you value weight savings. If you place high importance on bear-proofing your food, then a bear canister may be the better choice.

No matter which option you choose, make sure to practice proper bear safety techniques while on the trail.

Video: How to Choose Bear Canisters

Bear Canister Requirement in Some Parks

More and more parks and trails require the use of bear canisters as a method of food storage. Yosemite National Park was one of the first to require bear canisters, and since then, many other parks have followed suit.

The main reason for this is that bear canisters are proven effective at preventing bears from accessing human food.

Bear bags can be effective, but a hard-sided canister offers much more food protection at campsites located in heavy bear activity areas.

If you plan on hiking or camping in a park that requires bear canisters, purchase one before your trip. Bear canisters can be rented from some outdoor stores, but it is usually cheaper to buy one outright.

Final Thoughts on the Best Container For Protection From Bears

I feel this debate will continue for many years to come with pros and cons for both bear canisters and bear bags. I think it’s important that we educate ourselves on the pros and cons of each method before making a decision.

The best container for protection from bears is the one that works best for you and your situation. There is no “one size fits all” answer to this question.

Do you have any experience with bear canisters or bear bags? We would love to hear about it in the comments section below.

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